Membership Eligibility

  1. The Membership of the Society is open to Individuals, Institutions and Organisations connected with or interested in the fields of rock mechanics, engineering geology, mining, tunnelling technology and allied fields, and their practical applications.
  2. The Society shall have the following categories of membership :
    (a) Individual Life Membership
    (b) Institution Membership
  3. ADMISSION AND QUALIFICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP: The Individual / Institutional membership of the Society is open to Individuals / Institutions engaged in activities consistent with the Aims of the Society. In case the membership is refused to a person / institution the reason for refusal shall be intimated to the person concerned.

Individual Membership: The minimum qualifications for individual membership shall be one of the following:

  1. Degree in Engineering or equivalent.
  2. Diploma in Engineering with at least three years of experience in any of the fields stipulated in Article 1.2.
  3. A Masters’ Degree in Science or equivalent with two years of experience in any field stipulated in Article 1.2.
  4. A Bachelors’ Degree in Science with experience of at least 5 years in any of the fields stipulated in Article 1.2.
  5. Manufacturers, suppliers, sales representatives and others involved with rock mechanics, tunnelling technology or allied fields.

Institution Membership: The Institution membership is open to all Institutions connected with teaching, research and development work, design, consultancy or construction work, manufacturers and suppliers of equipment, in the fields of rock mechanics and/or tunnelling technology