Journal of Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling Technology (JRMTT)

Salient Features, Aims and Scope


  • Name of the Publisher: ISRMTT
  • Head Quarter: New Delhi
  • Print ISSN: 0971-9059
  • Abstract and Indexing: UGC-CARE List (India)
  • Also Available online at:


  • Journal of Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling Technology (JRMTT), founded in 1992, invites both original research and review manuscripts addressing various theoretical and practical aspects of rock mechanics, tunnelling technology, engineering geology, and mining. The Journal covers a wide range of topics, including shallow and deep underground civil and mining structures, tunnelling through different rock mass conditions and rock and soil mass behaviour related to natural and engineered slopes.
  • JRMTT also welcome submissions on rock engineering, geological and geotechnical site investigations, laboratory studies, and various stabilization techniques related to tunnel and slope engineering and mining.
  • Manuscripts that explore new and emerging topics in rock mechanics, tunnelling technologies, mining and engineering geology are particularly encouraged.
  • JRMTT especially value practical and field-oriented contributions.
  • Book reviews, interviews and views/commentaries etc may also be included for publication if found suitable by the Editors.
  • Manuscripts/ technical notes submitted to the Journal must not simultaneously be under review by other journals.
  • Any statements or views presented in the Journal would be totally those of the authors and shall neither be moderated nor reversed by the Editors of JRMTT. The contents of the journal are contributions of authors, and reflect their independent opinions, findings, conclusions and recommendations and do not necessarily imply that they reflect the views of the publisher/ editorial board.
  • The publishers are not liable for any damage or inconvenience, caused to anyone who may have acted on the information contained in the publication. The Editorial Board, however, reserves the right to modify the paper/article/note sent for publication in the Journal, if necessary, with the consent of the authors.

List of Journals Year Wise